[보도자료] 인크로스, 9년 연속 ‘구글 프리미어 파트너’ 선정 쾌거
[인크로스, 2025-03-06] SK스퀘어 관계사인 디지털 광고 전문 기업 인크로스(대표 손윤정)가 2025년 구글 프리미어 파트너로 선정되었다고 6일 밝혔다. 구글 프리미어 파트너는 국가별로 파트너..
Understanding the complexity of the ad market and consumers
requires a new approach to advertising strategy.
Evolve Today.
Lead Tomorrow.
Incross is at the forefront of identifying trends in digital advertising
and executing optimized ad strategies for each advertiser.
Digital Ad
Incross delivers successful campaign promotions with optimized digital ad operations.
T deal
T deal is an exclusive commerce service for SK Telecom customers that recommends customized products and provide different benefits based on AI analysis of SKT customer data.
Dawin is the No.1 video ad network platform in South Korea, reaching approximately 90% of the country’s internet population.
It is a big data-based effective marketing platform that integrates the advertising businesses of SK Telecom and SK Group ICT Family companies.
AD Platforms & Solutions
We provide efficient and advanced digital advertising services with platforms and solutions developed by our R&D center.
Global Marketing
We provide one-stop service for integrated digital marketing in China.
Incross Data Lab. (IDL)
Our data analysts provide a three-dimensional analysis of media usage behavior through SK Planet’s DMP and our own research to suggest ways to reach key audiences.
MA:IN Report (Insight)
A report and newsletter service that provides insights into digital marketing trends and data analysis.
We create the best
From ad planning to performance measurement,
now with Incross